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What you are thinking and feeling is revealed in your art! All the technical skill in the world won’t make your painting come alive; your heart needs to engage with the process, and you need to understand how to let it. 


When an Artist has Artist Block they lose their ability to focus and inspiration gets clouded and they lack motivation which diminishes their overall sense of self-worth and personal value. We can lose our confidence, it is time to get it back and keep it.
• Do you experience self-doubt?
• Are you sometimes hesitant to start that new painting?
• Is your mind telling you what you can’t do instead of what you can?


These thoughts were a constant battle that would go through my mind whenever I painted.

With the help of my wife, Dr Karen Phillip of Virtual Hypnotherapy, we created an audio that speaks directly to your subconscious mind, enabling you to make the changes necessary to regain self-confidence in yourself and clear that Artist Block. 

This is where tapping into the in-depth programming of the mind that has kept you stuck, lowering your confidence, even when you’ve tried other ways to overcome it … you will be rewriting that mind program to effortlessly get the confidence you’ve always desired and to be inspired to paint whenever you choose.

Please listen to the 1 minute sample, which is part of the full 40 minute Clearing Artist Block audio session specially designed for Artists.

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